
Find your own beat. And dance!

Since embarking on this journey building vitness, I have had to leave some of the packs with who I used to roam. I have had to accept that some will support my journey, some will not understand it, and others still will loudly disagree. None of this is my business. There comes a time in our lives when we are no longer able to live anyone else’s truth for one more day. We leave the pack to find out own beat, out own path. And those who remain were always meant to join us ok the journey. Those who fall away weren’t ever truly there to begin with.

Such is the case with following a life of health. I’ve always marched to my own drummer but as a young person (into much of my adult life), I was filled with such self-loathing and the need to fit in that I slowly lost all of me in other people, drugs, and alcohol. In high school I went to the gym at 5am to workout while everyone else my age was sleeping. Fitness has always been of utmost importance in my life but because it wasn’t the norm with those I surrounded myself, I lost my passion and my love, although always there tugging at my soul.

When I finally got sober at 24, my dreams, passions, aspirations, me really began to return. It wasn’t until I started vitness though that I truly left the pack and immersed myself entirely in fitness and wellness. In building this business, I have met the most amazing people in just a few short months, people from around the globe with whom I have so much in common. And every day I am reminded by these meetings that I am on the right path, my path.

I choose to go to the gym instead of out to dinner. I choose to wake up at dawn to do bootcamp on the beach rather than sleep in. I choose to eat nutritious foods and pass on dessert because these things feed my soul. Sometimes as we find ourselves the road seems to become more narrow, but really it is wide open with possibility, with magic, a place where anything is possible because our soul is being truly fulfilled. Yes I have had to leave many people but everyone I have met on my path has a unique and forever place in my heart. We never meet anyone by chance.

Choose health for you. Listen to the yearning of your body and your soul. Jump in with both feet and ignore fear, for fear lies to us tells us that things aren’t possible when in reality the magic of life is infinite if we only surrender and believe. Your road will become narrow, people may call you a fanatic or encourage you to stray from the path. Don’t let this deter you. Find your truth and live it every moment. When you jump in, magical and amazing people will show up in your life to assure you that you’re on the right path. But we have to let go 1st, we have to trust that when we do, amazing and unimaginable things manifest in our lives.

You aren’t alone on this journey. Find like minded souls and surround yourself, envelop yourself with these people. We are a breed apart, us lovers of fitness and wellness, but we are a community together. Join us on this road, make your own path. Allow someone who’s been down it to guide you as you make this change.

Find your beat and march on!

One love. 💗✌️💪

