
How Drug Addiction helps us understand Obestiy

This is an awesome read. Worth the $3.99 to rent it for 48 hours or purchase it at $10. This talks about how we can use what we know about drug addiction to aid is in the treatment of obesity. I have known this since I got sober almost 10 years ago as I am a recovering alcoholic/drug addict and food addiction is exactly the same, and quite literally does result in early mortality as well. If you are a wellness practitioner and still think obesity comes from too many calories in, too few calories out and laziness, please think again. It is not until we get rid of that thinking that we are truly able to help people!! http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/nn1452?utm_campaign=readcube_access&utm_source=nature.com&utm_medium=purchase_option&utm_content=template2


If it was easy, everyone would do it.

If it was easy, everyone would do it! Have you ever gotten great satisfaction from something that came at no price, or something that was handed to you?

Perhaps for a moment, but nothing that lasts, nothing that you can look back on and say my own blood, sweat, and tears (literally in this case) built that. I changed my life because I took control.
I tell you what people, when I was taking prescription diet pills many years ago (to which I became severely addicted which is another story all together), I received no level of personal satisfaction. Yes I did still workout but it was all fake: my body, my level of fitness, the amount I ate- it wasn’t me, it was a little pill, one that turned on me violently the more I became addicted.
If you want something you’ve never had then you have to do something that you’ve never done. Nothing worth having is ever easy, and everything worth having is worth working for. A friend and I climbed all the way to the top of Half Dome at Yosemite (pictured below), and you know how we did it? One step at a time! The feeling I’ve had after climbing mountains and looking down at the world below passes most feelings in the world. So too is the feeling when we grow personally and surpass our current “limits”. We can all do so much more than we think we can, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
No more whining. No more excuses. No more tomorrow.
Do it today!Like the vitness facebook page for more health tips and motivation (and don’t forget to tell anyone else who may benefit from these as well): http://www.facebook.com/vitnessliveHalfDomeTraffic
