
Big money and “nutrition”

Please stop the madness. This is like mcdonalds saying they have a heathy eating campaign and are in the field of Heath and nutrition. Geez consumers are so freakin gullible and driven by marketing. Eat whole foods. It’s really quite simple. Not this crap. Bollocks sometimes it’s so very frustrating!!
We must retrain our brains to not be so easily swayed. Corporations with the most money have the most control of our minds because we tend to “trust” them. We know the name. It brings us comfort. And we mindlessly follow their latest and greatest mumbo jumbo. We were given these great human brains for a reason. We must use them!! If something sounds off, it probably is.
Here’s the science behind it: processed foods bad. Whole foods, the closer to straight from the ground better: good. Yep it’s that simple. Shocking I know but tis true!!


Why do “they” keep trying to get me to eat unhealthy foods?

subsidize vegThis picture below sure is a great idea but this isn’t going to happen any time soon as there’s no way in hell the government is going to give up their precious money from all the shite food that comes in the form of lobbyists, our battle is 1 on a personal level. We have to stop expecting someone to do it for us!
Health is our responsibility and it is certainly our responsibility to instill healthy nutrition and exercise practices into our children. Stop waiting for doctors and politicians and supermarkets to tell you to eat nutritious, whole, unprocessed foods! It simply isn’t going to happen! Instead, make a decision for yourself and live that decision every single day. Go to local markets or co-ops instead of the grocery store where you are bombarded with advertisements for crap food that you don’t need…ever. No your kids don’t need the cookies and chips: stop fooling yourself.
Get a personal trainer who will tell you the truth about nutrition instead of waiting for your doctor to do it, (although make sure it’s a highly qualified trainer who isn’t full of complete bollocks). Most of all, learn to be in tune with your body (not your mind) and listen to your gut. This is the ultimate direction that we must follow and until we learn this, we will keep being led astray by advertisements, new marketing schemes, friends, family, the list goes on and on!
Be well. Be healthy. Be strong!
